Meet Vito La Fata

Vito La Fata is the Founder of La Fata Cellars in Temecula, CA and the first graduate of the Winery Academy. He is responsible for developing and implementing all coaching programs to assist the students in finding the path to excellence in their dream of owning a winery. Vito also works directly with the managers of each student to ensure their objectives are met.

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Vito La Fata

Vito La Fata, has been a serial entrepreneur for 19 years. Having built six multiple six & seven figure brands since 2005. Vito has been an international presenter since 2011 and is considered a seasoned and trusted expert in his field, having established a presence in the online coaching industry. Vito and his wife, Anna have built companies in health, wellness, business coaching, high performance training, travel experiences and now wine. Together they took their dream of a wine brand, from vines to a multiple six figure luxury lounge in 12 months. As a sales and coaching expert, Vito has had the privilege of coaching thousands through his online coaching businesses throughout the U.S., UK , Australia, the Middle East and other countries as well, making him a unique asset to the development of our Winery Academy division and efforts. Vito will lead as our Chief Sales Officer for our Virtual Winery, Winery Academy and Custom Crush divisions.