To have a wine brand that works, you need a mission. Under the Mission series, inside the Path to Freedom, you will discover your true North. Being 100% certain that everything you do is in alignment with everything you are is very important when it comes to stepping out in life as an winery entrepreneur. Far too often people decide to start a business or create a plan to make money and forget the reasons whether doing so. Will you be in five years? Whatever life you want to leave? What is most important when it comes to building a future for yourself? These questions and many more are developed and trained and discussed in this multipart training program.
January 4, 2017
October 12, 2016
September 21, 2016
July 27, 2016
June 30, 2016
Broken into five parts, the path to freedom is designed to take someone through a process of understanding who they are, and what they’re doing. This first part in this five step program designed to help you establish true purpose. If the business you want to create is not in alignment with the mission you have for your life is most likely that business will fall on hard times and never really get off the ground.
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Your path to freedom is paved by change. Along your path are 5 milestones that lead to change. You must conquer each milestone in a step-by-step fashion to find true freedom.